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Get involved

join the mission!

Navigating the world in the 21st century is tough. If you believe every child deserves access to critical skills that set them up for success, there are several ways you can help. 

Pay to support a student's education

Your support helps our children receive social emotional learning, that help them develop essential life skills.


These skills help them go on and find their way in the world. 

Join the TAP team (full and part-time roles open)

Your experience can transform lives. If you're interested in joining our team, we want to hear from you!


We are a Great Place To Work® certified organisation. 

Follow our journey on social!

TAP believes everyone deserves access to life skills - including you!


Follow us for updates and resources on how you can enrich your life with the power of social-emotional learning. 

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Support our Students

Your donations do more than educate; they shape the leaders of today and tomorrow. It goes towards our mission to equip under-served children with critical 21st century skills.

Are you an Indian Citizen?

Note: A Person of Indian Origin (PIO) or a person with The Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) status should choose "No".

If you are an Indian National, you can support TAP's students by donating here:

How is your donation utilised?

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